March 29th, 2011
Just took some new pictures of the vegetable patch, post the “rat wars” that we have been experiencing here. This picture of our corn oddly shrouded and looking just a little like an aviary is part of our efforts to keep the little sods off our veg!

So far so good, but they decimated our tomato crop, I think we got about ten tomatos and they got the rest, often just taking one bite then moving on to the next tomato for another single bite. Below is the new look tomato bed, its all peas, haricots, lettuce and little french breakfast radishes now with plans for purple sprouting brocali down the middle. Its really shot up too since I took this photo, the haricots are about 6 inches high and the peas are delightful little tufts of leaves ready to start climbing. We have since had to net it as well, this time to stop the birds digging up the peas and strewing them about for seemingly no reason.

You can just make out the pile of old tomato in the pictures here, its forming very nice compost at least. We have learned a lot this year about the various perils of vegetable growing and will be ready for them next tomato season. Many people told us netting was no use against rats, so we didnt do it, I wish we had, we might have saved our tomato crop. It is still one of the most enjoyable things in the world to do though and I do love our new pea climber, even if nothing were to grow, I think its really very appealing.
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March 10th, 2011
Got a few new prints in the etsy store, seems masks and noses are all I can do of late. I finished a new one yesterday called Knitting Girl Hero as well, will have to wait for a sunny day to take a photo though before I can add her.
This of course is “Sausage Girl Hero”, don’t know why this idea didnt occur to me some time ago really…..

and this one was completed around Valentine’s but I got the worst cold so she is only going in the store now, oh well, I never do time these things well

and finally yet another year of the bunny print, I do love this bunny year for inspiration!

Got some new ceramics back as well. These plates and bowls are mainly from my first classes when I was too scared to do anything but make plates and bowls with moulds, it seemed so much safer than trying to make something in 3D! I had been putting off painting them up for some reason, but ended up really enjoying it and plan on doing many more, I think they will even end up in the etsy store too.

Yeaar of the bunny again

This platter was to give me something to do in class, I dont like to do any of the more detailed things as I only have a couple of hours and cant get them finished, so I made flowers for many classes, not really sure what to do with this now, serve crisps in it perhaps?

This girl is a work in progress really, she is going to be a ceramic doll. Just cant wait to make her a body and clothes!

the limbs

Okay that is it for now, finally a bit caught up!
Posted in Art/Craft, ceramics, Etsy update | 6 Comments »
January 28th, 2011
Posted in Art/Craft | 11 Comments »
December 21st, 2010
I realised yesterday that I had gotten quite behind in my show and tell of my ceramic works*L* Im in a very lazy Christmas holiday mood I think, but I rounded them all up and here they are
I think this is my favourite, she is a vase, she was meant to be a bud vase, but I got a little carried away and she is quite large now

Here she is without her mad flower “hat” or “thoughts”, she looks almost nude I think

Next is the Bunny Rider, I thought after the bunny being so heavy that putting the girl on top would collapse the whole thing and very nearly gave up, but Im glad I didnt in the end. The tree is inspired by the Staffordshire ones that are used to hold up various animals in their ceramic works. Of course you can hardly see it though.

another item just to fill up the other dome I own

and finally this one is a little sad. I made this girl so that she could sit on her custom chair or perch merrily out in the world……however, the people that fired her were a little careless and pushed her against the blocks she was sitting on, she was being glazed so of course her poor legs fused to the blocks! They had to snap her legs! It looked horrible, but Paul patiently glued her seamlessly back together. She was to be for a lovely couple though and sadly cant be sold in her current condition, so she is staying we me I think.

there is one more……but he is a secret for now.
thanks for looking
Posted in Art/Craft, ceramics | 6 Comments »
November 21st, 2010
Posted in Art/Craft, cute stuff, sewing | 2 Comments »
October 31st, 2010
Posted in Art/Craft, food | 1 Comment »